What Influence the Price of Custom-made Storage Shelves
Making is a state of the art for the production of items. Especially for industrial products including storage shelves, this is the mainstream way to buy. However, custom-made products are generally more expensive in price than finished items. This is because strictly according to the needs of the customer, and in the time of customization, due to some uncertainties change, but also always affect the price of custom-made storage shelves.
What are the Advantages of Storage Shelves?
Storage shelves are mainly used in some factories, with obvious advantages, can store a large number of goods, shelves can make full use of warehouse space, two-level shelves can store more items, will not waste warehouse space, but also reasonable planning, conducive to direct use in the future.
What's Push-back Racking
The front and rear beams are connected by a sliding seat. Pallets of goods are placed on the shelf sliding seat from the front, and the goods entering later will push the original goods to the rear, currently up to five pallets can be pushed in.